March 14, 2005

Day 7 - ASB 2005

March 11, 2005

Another day in Mexico today. David picked us up around 9am. We worked around the orphanage. Grace assigned each of us tasks to do: painting the porch, taking out the trash (to the big trash pit which would then be burned), watering the plants, organizing all the stuff upstairs, and cleaning the bathrooms. Heather and I were in the bathrooms. It wasn’t so bad, but then I had to overcome my extreme fear of spiders in order to get rid of a big daddy (no, not a daddy long legs…we’re talking a large, big as your thumb, green and hair creature). Ekh! It was gross.

Then we visited the local school not too far from the orphanage and handed out pencils and candy to each classroom. David had all the people that represented different countries introduce themselves. Sumeet – India, Nader – Iran, Lisa – China, Julie – Mexico, Dave – Boston, USA, and me – Chile.

After school, a bunch of the kids came over to “la casa grande” to hang out, play soccer, climb on top of Jon, Nader and Dave, etc. It was a pretty laid back afternoon.

We left for an open market/bartering experience later in the afternoon. Places like that are awesome for taking pictures. Bright colors and people selling all types of creative can capture aspects of Mexican life that you won’t see elsewhere.

We treated David and Kyle to dinner at Garcia’s – a restaurant in Mexico, near the open market. It was soo good.

We then drove back to home base, gave food and Spanish bibles to David for the service he does, did highs & lows, and presented the last of the life maps.

The first people who opened one of the vans to clean it out were greeted by a foul rotting fishy smell. They turned the whole van inside out and couldn’t figure out where the smell was coming from…then Sumeet checked the trunk. It was none other than Morgan the duck – the wooden souvenir Dave had picked up out of the ocean while we were at South Padre. Lovely…a 24 hour trip with that, haha.

Luckily for everyone, the smell aired out quickly and nobody suffered - except for Morgan who was left behind in the dumpster.

We packed up shop and left for Nashville by 1am.

Quotes of the day:

Dave: When you call my name…
Kelly: What’s it like?
Dave: It’s like a little prayer
Sumeet: uh huh, where you at?
Dave: I’m down on my knees
Sumeet: Where you wanna go?
Dave: I wanna take you there
Kelly: What time is it?
Dave: In the midnight hour
Kelly: What can you feel?
Dave: the POWER!

“me llamo es…” – Nader ;o)

“Why do we have so much left over money?!” - Dave
“it’s for emergencies” – Kelly
“guys, we still have time to have an emergency” – Jenna

“Okay, that’s it! Dave has first shift in that van. He must have one hand on the wheel and one hand on Morgan at all times!” - Sumeet

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