June 23, 2006

Conferência Nacional de Unidade

Towards the end of June, I headed down to Mogi Guacu to visit Samareh a few days before the National Baha'i Unity Conference in Mogi Mirim. The conference took place at Soltanieh - a Baha'i Education Center. It is basically a huge are of land that is kind of like a mini college campus. There is a lecture hall, dining hall, and dorms to host the hundreds of people that registered for the conference. Many of the large scale Baha'i events are held at Soltanieh (summer schools, conferences, etc...) and it is even rented out for other non-Baha'i events.

I ended up working closely with the Assecoria Nacional de Juventude in several photo presentations and a power point. I learned so much and had a bunch of fun working with them for the short amount of time i was there.

After the conference, it was time to head back to Sampa and get things in order for the end of the semester at PUC.

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