December 15, 2011

Operation Reboot

2011 has been a year of awesome. I created my ever evolving “list of happy” and set out to make things happen. From small things like, having a cup of tea, spending the afternoon at Barnes & Noble,  watching the scrunched up paper of a straw wrapper grow with water, people watching at a local coffee shop, dancing, etc. to bigger ticket items on my list like the warrior dash, skydiving, going on a 10-day meditation retreat (no technology, no meat, and no talking), camping on the beach, the Baltimore ½ marathon, and one of my all-time favorites…catching the sunrise over the deep blue sea. I have enjoyed the company of loving family and am blessed with an incredible group of friends.

This year I also transitioned back into being a full time student in order to pursue a career I’m truly passionate about. The program is an accelerated entry-level master’s and needless to say, quite demanding. After an intense first semester of nursing school, I’ve neglected many healthy lifestyle habits. Procrastinating, not eating well, exercising enough, sleeping (as I write this at 3am lol), or tending to my spirit nearly as much as I should. And so, I’m pressing the restart button. Taking this opportunity to reflect and re-center on what’s important to me. They say it takes 3 weeks to form a new habit, so I will spend the next 21 days making efforts to focus on the following goals:

  • Read the Writings in the morning and evening (plug in to Divine electricity)
  • Pray & meditate (20 min every day)
  • Eat healthy (everything in moderation)
  • Workout (gym, dance, run)
  • Unfinished projects (Chile blog, vision board, de-clutter)
  • Write (blog & poetry)
  • Music (create)

In an effort not to make empty promises, I merely put these goals out there as personal challenges. I challenge myself to arise…and invite you to join me on this journey :o)

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