February 28, 2006

28 February

So you know how the sand gets so hot that you have to run into the water to avoid burning your feet?? Yeah…that wasn’t such a good idea for me. On Tuesday when we went to Jaguaribe, I was looking down to be sure not to step on anything as I ran, and kinda missed the fact that there was a HUGE guarda-sol (the big umbrellas they put on the beach to cover you from the sun). one second I’m right behind Gilmara. The next, she turns around and sees me laughing down on the ground. I bounced off the umbrella like a rubber ball on pavement, except I didn’t bounce back up. But I didn’t let that stop me! I’m a survivor, lol. So I walked the rest of the way to the water and we rode the waves. It was fun till a jellyfish appeared, and I fled the water running. Apparently there are no jellyfish in salvador, but the day that I went to the beach, of course, one appeared.

That night we all piled into Raquel’s place, one of Gilmara’s friends, cooked pasta and chicken nuggets and had a movie marathon. It reminded me of home :o). How we fit 9 people into a room the size of a small dorm room, and how we all managed to find a position to sleep in, I don’t know. But here, you make things work, hehe. Gilmara and I left around 6AM and got to her house and slept for another couple hours. I met more of her family (most of which live in the same neighborhood) and we later went to the mall.

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