February 12, 2006

8-11 February - Alonzo visits

Alonzo is a friend from Vanderbilt who’s doin the CIEE program in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He’s been here for a semester already and during his summer break went traveling throughout South America by bus. He stopped in SP for a few days before returning to BS. AS. For another semester.

final day of classes, 9th of February, half the group went to study in Bahia, we had a goodbye dinner at Terraça Italia, a very chique place…it cost $R 42 just for "tea and snacks"! it is one of the taller buildings in SP, like the Torre de Banespa, from which you can see the endless city of Sampa.

some of the monitores that welcomed us to SP the first 5 weeks

We went to Odoborogodo, a very small bar with live samba band. Learned to dance samba with a partner. Then we headed over to CC around the corner cuz I really wanted to dance salsa. Thursday is the day to go. Umberto, the guy that teaches salsa at CC, told me all his students come to practice on Thursdays. And these guys are no amateurs, let me tell you.

On the 10th, we had our eventful day at the policia federal. Upon arriving in Brazil, you have to register with the federal police within 30 days. So we met at 7:30AM at the metro, arrived to the police place around 9AM and then finally got out of there 6 hours later. Mind you, this is all waiting in line, and the second you lean against the wall and try to sit, a police officer comes by to tell you to stand up. The 6 hours of waiting in line wouldn’t have been so bad, but you cant sit! And if you do get a sit in one of the chairs across the room, you don’t hear your name get called, and there goes your chance of getting fingerprinted. Imagine all the people there with families and children. At least we were their in a group and we had each other to converse with. Everyone was grumpy by the end, but the Council took us to a Churrascaria to make us forget. By the middle of our meal, we were all laughing and the never-ending frustrating wait at the police station was a distant funny memory.

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