February 3, 2006

3 February - Family Connections

My dad’s sister, Aunt Miriam, passed the name of family friends that live in SP. Amit and Lilian Nussbacher apparently lived in Baltimore for 4 years while Amit worked with my Uncle Gary (my Aunt’s husband’s (Uncle Jay) brother). So I called for the first time the other day and they invited me over for Shabbat dinner at Amit’s parent’s place. The family gave me a warm welcome and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. It was interesting to hear Portuguese with a Hebrew accent (if you can imagine, hehe). The dinner was quite elegant with Matzo ball soup, and other yummy foods that definitely have a European touch (i.e. it was something other than rice and beans). The table was set with a white table cloth, fine china, and lots of silverware. I had to look around at everyone else to figure out what fork and spoon to use with what course. There was a great city view from their balcony, and it was sunset, to top it all off. A great evening!

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