February 13, 2006

Blah...blah...blah...oh really?

Sometime last week I was on the bus on the way home. The bus was crowded, so many people had to stand. Well, I ended up standing next to a guy that had an empty seat next to him, and after I involuntarily bumped into him several times due to the curvy turns the bus made, he slid over and let me sit. He was a well-fed, elderly business man, dressed in a gray suite…probably doesn’t ride the bus that often. He looked over at me and murmured something I didn’t understand, so I just smiled and looked away. Then he started talking…I couldn’t quite make out what he was saying, but it was clear that he was complaining about the traffic and public transportation (he pointed out the window at the streets with an angry face and hit the bus seat a couple times….those were my indications). The smile and look away strategy wasn’t working b/c he kept talking. So when I realized I couldn’t escape the conversation, I decided to play along. "é…..é….é….abandonado?...é....pois, que pode fazer?" (yeah….yeah….yeah…abandoned?…yeah….well, what can you do?") It was a loooong ride home. We had a 20 minute conversation and I don’t even know what we talked about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A great story... You definately have the gift of being able to ad lib and make the best of a situation. This is a great ability to have.