February 13, 2006

Lesson Learned - keep door closed


My host mom always tells me to leave the door to my room closed because we have two dogs at home and they might leave little surprises in my room to mark their territory since I have a new smell. Well, I figured after a few weeks they’d be used to it and it’d be okay. Bad idea. A couple days ago my host mom and I were cleaning up after lunch and I saw her reach under the table and pick up a pair of my underwear. I looked up embarrassed as she said in Portuguese: "Leah, I forgot to mention the other reason you should keep your door closed. Lili [my host sister] lost 6 pairs last year because of these dogs…" It happened again a few days later. Lesson learned. Door stays closed.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can really identify with this situation. Sheila looks like a charactor capable of making lotsa trouble. I'm not sure about Jane since I can't see her eyes. She is likely to be just as guilty just by association